According to PANews, MetaMask, a cryptocurrency wallet, has launched a new feature called 'Smart Transactions' aimed at helping users avoid the consequences of Maximum Extractable Value (MEV). This optional feature allows users to submit transactions to a 'virtual memory pool' before they are officially confirmed on the chain.

Consensys, the company behind MetaMask, claims that the virtual memory pool will counteract certain types of MEV strategies by simulating transactions in the background to help users obtain lower transaction fees. MEV refers to the practice of blockchain operators gaining extra profits from users by previewing or reordering transactions before they are written into the network.

This solution from MetaMask is the first step in its more ambitious roadmap, aiming to fundamentally change how MetaMask handles transactions within Ethereum. In addition, the 'Smart Transactions' feature will make it easier for users to track their transaction progress, which usually requires users to visit independent 'blockchain explorer' websites like Etherscan.