The crypto world is facing a major issue, and the source of the problem lies in the surge of new, uninformed users entering through Telegram’s mini apps and TON airdrops. These participants, lacking any real grasp of market principles, are flooding chats with empty slogans like "$CATS to the stars" or "$MICE to $50" without understanding what they are promoting. This isn’t just annoying; it’s causing real harm to the credibility of the crypto market.

Crypto isn't supposed to be a stage for quick-fix schemes and hollow hype. It’s an ecosystem founded on innovation, sustainable growth, and tangible value. We must start treating it with the respect it requires to prevent long-term damage.


It’s time for the major exchanges to step in and safeguard the market. By choosing not to list these poorly conceived, Telegram-driven tokens, they can prevent further chaos. If these untrained participants are allowed to continue unchecked, we risk increasing volatility, market panic, and undermining the true innovation within the crypto space. The industry needs cleaning up before it veers off course entirely.

#Telegram #telegramMining #Market_Update #HBODocumentarySatoshiRevealed #WeAreAllSatoshi