Binance Square
mirzad makhdoom
Here is a truth : FutureVerse or Nas Summit is NOT WORTH 20000rs , Get the money back ! Let's have a candid conversation about my recent trip to Bangalore to attend FutureVerse , where i met Varun Mayya Tanmay Bhat Rajiv Talreja Kinner N Sacchdev and may others ! The truth is, it was NOT WORTH 20000rs ! appx 10hrs of workshop on how to change the game using AI and boost course selling and stuffs ! First, you are spending a really huge amount for a one day workshop to learn how to use AI tools to level up your creation game, How to build funnel to boost up your course sales from top achievers and million dollar course sellers. If you expect these events can magically transform your career into an over night success, you are in it for disappointment. This wont turn you in to overnight success rather give you a lot more than you ever wanted to play the long game ! Know these before you go for you spend your money to learn : ✅ Overnight Success is a myth ✅ You will learn tips and tools that significantly enhance your game ✅ Network is your networth , these events will help you forging life longing connections with top players in your game ✅ Brand exposure matters, building a personal brand is lile building your reputation. Wether you are a creator, educator or entrepreneur positioning yourself as an authority in your domain is vital Futureverse like events will help you do that ! #futureverse #careergrowth #nassummit

Here is a truth : FutureVerse or Nas Summit is NOT WORTH 20000rs , Get the money back !

Let's have a candid conversation about my recent trip to Bangalore to attend FutureVerse , where i met Varun Mayya Tanmay Bhat Rajiv Talreja Kinner N Sacchdev and may others !

The truth is, it was NOT WORTH 20000rs ! appx 10hrs of workshop on how to change the game using AI and boost course selling and stuffs !

First, you are spending a really huge amount for a one day workshop to learn how to use AI tools to level up your creation game, How to build funnel to boost up your course sales from top achievers and million dollar course sellers.

If you expect these events can magically transform your career into an over night success, you are in it for disappointment. This wont turn you in to overnight success rather give you a lot more than you ever wanted to play the long game !

Know these before you go for you spend your money to learn :

✅ Overnight Success is a myth

✅ You will learn tips and tools that significantly enhance your game

✅ Network is your networth , these events will help you forging life longing connections with top players in your game

✅ Brand exposure matters, building a personal brand is lile building your reputation. Wether you are a creator, educator or entrepreneur positioning yourself as an authority in your domain is vital

Futureverse like events will help you do that !

#futureverse #careergrowth #nassummit

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