Artificial intelligence (AI) has brought several noticeable changes that will define the future of most workplaces, recently surveyed executives indicate concern that it could eliminate highly paid positions. 

The study, done by AND Digital and Censuswide, sampled opinions of 600 top decision makers from all over the world. Among the responses, more than 40% of CEOs are worried that the introduction of Artificial Intelligence may overtake their jobs at some point in the future.

Embracing AI: Balancing benefits and risks for CEOS

Notwithstanding the concern, a notable 45% of these chiefs acknowledge the use of AI devices like ChatGPT to assist them in their everyday routines; sometimes the make use of such tools with contrast to avails the fact of technology. 

Source:AND Digital

Through this two-folded thinking, the delicate nature of the business leaders’ relationship with AI is emphasized where they attempt to equally duel its advantages with attendant risks on job security.

Given that AI adoption continues to quicken nowadays, and companies, in turn, start to be forward-looking and ready for the high-tech environment, it causes the following question: How will the workforce adapt in the future, which is all about how AI solves problems? Study found out that the three-quarters of business leaders involved in continuous learning or retraining, the goal was to help their employees get skills phased out by machines rather than themselves becoming redundant.

Establishments provide fast-track AI bootcamps, tailor-made for rookie employees who need a quick spot up. For instance, the Humanize approach is just a part of a more complex strategy of educational program intended for maximizing future employees performance in collaboration with AI systems and minimizing the risk of their obsolescence caused by AI. This remediation of skills is indispensable, it creates a living culture which views technology as a tool to enhance capabilities not replace them.

Navigating future challenges

We hear the standpoint that AI will have high job destructions, but on the contrary, there is the opinion that it will create more new opportunities for people. Unlike the views of those who source their opinions from psychological profiler machines, there are others who think that AI will be a tool that aids the creation of new employment opportunities through demand for human inputs. 

As with the different views we hold, the recent job cuts disclosed by large corporations with a part of the cutting attributed to technology help to illustrate this.

With AI gradually developing, it is the duty of leaders to create robust frameworks that will make AI a good value-multiplier and a bad risk-facilitator. This encompasses not only knowledge of technologies’ use, but it also implies setting ethical policies to make certain AI is administrated responsibly and preferentially.In many industries AI has already become a reality. 

The business managers, for instance, CEO Libero Raspa, in the consultancy Adesso UK, tell us about this and about the necessity of a well-prepared company that wants to be successful. “AI will become a permanent part of business in the future, but companies with ambition will build a solid foundation now so that all staff will be ready to accept and take advantage of it in its entirety ethically and with the customer at the forefront of their minds,” as Raspa concluded.

Facing the fact that AI will reshape industries and job performance, and, therefore both leaders and their teams will be conditioned to accept the coexistence of human labor and AI. Giving an AI access to our skills through proper training, ethical guidelines, and then thoughtful implementation, AI can be a beautiful ally at our workplace, instead of an ominous enemy.

News sourced from the report The CEO Digital Divide  by AND Digital