Omni Network emerges as a groundbreaking layer 1 blockchain, seamlessly integrating Ethereum's rollup ecosystem into a unified system. This transformative platform is set to redefine the landscape of decentralized finance (DeFi) and blockchain scalability.

Launch Details

The staking period for Omni Network on Binance Launchpool commences from April 13th to April 16th, 2024 (UTC), with the listing date scheduled for April 17th, 2024 (UTC).

Staking Pools

Participants have the opportunity to stake either BNB or FDUSD, with rewards distributed accordingly: 85% for BNB stakers and 15% for FDUSD stakers.

Rewards Distribution

A generous daily allocation of 875,000 OMNI tokens is earmarked for distribution, with the BNB pool receiving 743,750 OMNI daily and the FDUSD pool receiving 131,250 OMNI daily.

Token Metrics

Omni Network boasts a maximum token supply of 100,000,000 OMNI, with 3,500,000 OMNI allocated for Launchpool rewards, constituting 3.5% of the total supply. The initial circulating supply stands at 10,391,492 OMNI.

Smart Contract and KYC

Operating on Ethereum's smart contract platform, stakers are required to undergo KYC verification to participate in the Launchpool.

Important Notes

Participants may stake in one pool at a time, with hourly rewards updates and the flexibility to unstake at any time.


Account verification is mandatory, while residents of certain countries are ineligible to participate (a comprehensive list is provided).

Additional Information

The Launchpool is supported by BNB Vault and Locked Products, ensuring that benefits for BNB holders remain intact during staking. However, Binance reserves the right to amend or cancel details at its discretion.

Binance extends a warm invitation to users to partake in farming OMNI through the Launchpool, emphasizing the importance of informed investment decisions in navigating the dynamic cryptocurrency landscape.

#OMNI #BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving #BNB