According to Odaily, Stacking DAO's Total Value Locked (TVL) has broken through the $107 million mark, with over 52 million STX tokens staked. The data also reveals that the number of Stacking DAO users has exceeded 34,000.

In addition, more than $30 million worth of stSTX tokens have been involved in the Stacks ecosystem's DeFi protocols. This indicates a significant level of participation and investment in the Stacks ecosystem, demonstrating the growing popularity and acceptance of DeFi protocols.

These figures highlight the increasing trust and confidence in Stacking DAO and the Stacks ecosystem. The surge in TVL and the number of staked STX tokens reflect the growing interest and involvement of users in the platform. The rise in the number of users and the amount of stSTX tokens participating in the Stacks ecosystem's DeFi protocols further underscores the platform's growing appeal and influence in the DeFi sector.