According to Odaily, a smart money address that previously profited $6.87 million on WIF has invested 1 million USDC to purchase 1.7 million units of tremp at an average price of $0.5831. This move comes after the trader made significant gains from WIF.

The trader had initially spent $721,000 to buy 3.07 million units of WIF at an average price of $0.23. The trader then sold 2.37 million units of WIF at an average price of $2.31, earning $5.47 million. The trader still holds 700,000 units of WIF, valued at $2.12 million.

This recent investment in tremp indicates a shift in the trader's strategy, moving from WIF to tremp. It remains to be seen how this investment will play out and whether it will yield similar profits as the trader's previous dealings with WIF.