According to Foresight News, Beijing Yuanlong Yatu Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. announced that its subsidiary, Shanghai Wow Universe Digital Technology Co., Ltd., also known as 'Wow Universe' or 'UOVAMETA', has completed its first round of multi-million dollar strategic financing. The investors include LeHua Entertainment, Ali Film, and others, with the parent company Yuanlong Yatu also participating in this capital increase and stock expansion. The funds raised will further assist UOVAMETA in perfecting its AI and Web3 industrial chain layout, laying a solid foundation for the research and development of future platform products and business expansion.

UOVAMETA is an innovative company that integrates creativity and technology. It is committed to integrating digital technologies such as AIGC, blockchain, AR, and metaverse to launch a one-stop UOVAMETA web3 SaaS operation tool platform for various customers. Combined with Yuanlong Yatu's physical peripheral gifts, new media marketing, and large IP strategy, the platform will be applied to IP incubation and brand channel customer marketing. It can meet the needs of IP image AI Wen Sheng library, digital copyright confirmation registration, IP matrix commercial co-branding cooperation, brand private domain members on the chain and member rights and interests online and offline channel verification transactions, and other multi-blockchain multi-scenario multi-application port access WEB3 mode management system. It builds a Web3 digital marketing private deployment solution for various customers such as IP, channels, government affairs, culture and tourism, brands, etc.