According to BlockBeats, on March 29th, MakerDAO's lending protocol Spark has deployed $100 million in new DAI liquidity through Morpho Blue. This move allows users to borrow Ethena's stablecoins USDe and sUSDe using efficient leveraged positions supported by MakerDAO.

The deployment of the new DAI liquidity will enable users to access a wider range of financial services and products. MakerDAO's Spark protocol aims to provide a decentralized platform for users to access various lending and borrowing services, enhancing the overall DeFi ecosystem.

This development further strengthens MakerDAO's position in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, as it continues to expand its offerings and improve its services for users. The addition of Ethena's stablecoins to the platform will provide more options for users looking to leverage their assets and participate in the growing DeFi market.