Binance Square
Bitcoin Gurukul
In first 10 days of October-2023: A Wallet sleeping since 2012 moved 426 Bitcoin. A Wallet sleeping since 2013 moved 500 Bitcoin. A Wallet sleeping since 2014 moved 860 Bitcoin. Learning to HODL is requires patience and patience is rewarding in the long run.

In first 10 days of October-2023:

A Wallet sleeping since 2012 moved 426 Bitcoin.

A Wallet sleeping since 2013 moved 500 Bitcoin.

A Wallet sleeping since 2014 moved 860 Bitcoin.

Learning to HODL is requires patience and patience is rewarding in the long run.

إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. وهذه ليست نصيحةً مالية. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
الردود 6
مُنشِئ مُحتوى ذو صلة

استكشف المزيد من مُنشِئ المُحتوى

THE FINAL WEEK BEFORE THE HALVING MONTH 🚀 #Bitcoin has once again announced its arrival at the $70k level. In just 3 weeks we are going to witness an event which is going to change the market scenario for good and for ever. 💰 Where is the price heading next ? 👉 Last week's red week was largely fueled by Grayscale outflows, with entities like Celsius, FTX, and Genesis flooding the market with GBTC. This influx of supply put pressure on Bitcoin's price. However, insights from blockchain analytics firm Arkham suggest that Grayscale's Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) could run dry in just 14 weeks at the current rate of redemptions. This scarcity could have significant implications for Bitcoin's price dynamics. 👉 Despite the outflows, the launch of Bitcoin ETFs has injected new energy into the market. Notably, ETF trading volume for Bitcoin ETFs has surged, with BlackRock and Fidelity leading the pack. This institutional interest is a bullish sign for Bitcoin's legitimacy as a mainstream asset class. MAJOR ALTCOIN COLLABS AND BOOST 🔥 Altcoins are also gaining traction, with projects like $AVAX and $LINK collaborating on on-chain asset settlement solutions. This interoperability showcases the potential for a unified crypto ecosystem where different blockchains seamlessly interact, creating a truly interconnected digital economy. Blackrock $100M investment plan into tokenization has once again lit up the market. $RIO $NXRA $PROPC $PROPS and many more promising RWA projects saw a huge boost and the prices hit new highs for their current bull market. What's important is to not sell the news. You will be manipulated at the time of the event with an institutional dump that will allow big players to buy cheap. If #Bitcoin holders can stay strong at such times, we will definitely see a movement close to $100k with the simple logic of demand and supply coming into action. Top Narratives like #AI , #RWA , #Layer1 and #gaming would once again be fuelled to replicate the big price movement we have seen so far. STAY INFORMED , STAY AHEAD 💪
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