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🚨 DONT MISS IT 🚨 🚀🔥BREAKING AFTERNOON NEWS ☀️😨 📈 🔥Check below🔥 📈Bitcoin Whales and Big Money Still on ‘Risk-On Mode’, Analyst Says. In the volatile cryptocurrency market, understanding investor sentiment can be a crucial, yet tricky source of information. The CEO and co-founder of CryptoQuant, Ki Young Ju, has recently suggested large investors are still engaging with the market with a “risk-on mode.”💹 📈Stars Arena secures funds to plug $3M exploit, set to reopen after security audit. Stars Arena was hacked for roughly $3 million worth of AVAX tokens, with the hacker reportedly sending the funds to the Fixed Float crypto exchange.💹 📈$270,000 Disappears From Business Owner’s Bank Account, Billion-Dollar Bank Refuses To Make Customer Whole: Report. A business owner in Southwest Florida is searching for answers after hundreds of thousands of dollars vanished from her bank account. Tiffany Allen says $270,000 was initially stolen from her family’s Truist Bank business account in five separate unauthorized transfers, reports the CBS-affiliated news station WINK.💹 📈On-Chain Activity Hints at Short-Term Rebound Opportunities for Ethereum and Two Altcoins: Santiment. On-chain activity suggests Ethereum (ETH) and two altcoins could be primed for short-term price rallies, according to the crypto analytics firm Santiment. Santiment notes that ETH, Shiba Inu (SHIB) and SushiSwap (SUSHI) traders displayed “mild signs of panic” on Thursday.💹 📈Bitcoin Unmoved as War Breaks Out in Israel. Hamas has entered southern Israel by sea, land and air, killing more than 200 Israelis and 1,500 wounded in a surprise attack that has shocked the region and the world.💹 Dont forget to follow #CryptoTalks for more BREAKING NEWS 💸🔥



🔥Check below🔥

📈Bitcoin Whales and Big Money Still on ‘Risk-On Mode’, Analyst Says. In the volatile cryptocurrency market, understanding investor sentiment can be a crucial, yet tricky source of information. The CEO and co-founder of CryptoQuant, Ki Young Ju, has recently suggested large investors are still engaging with the market with a “risk-on mode.”💹

📈Stars Arena secures funds to plug $3M exploit, set to reopen after security audit. Stars Arena was hacked for roughly $3 million worth of AVAX tokens, with the hacker reportedly sending the funds to the Fixed Float crypto exchange.💹

📈$270,000 Disappears From Business Owner’s Bank Account, Billion-Dollar Bank Refuses To Make Customer Whole: Report. A business owner in Southwest Florida is searching for answers after hundreds of thousands of dollars vanished from her bank account. Tiffany Allen says $270,000 was initially stolen from her family’s Truist Bank business account in five separate unauthorized transfers, reports the CBS-affiliated news station WINK.💹

📈On-Chain Activity Hints at Short-Term Rebound Opportunities for Ethereum and Two Altcoins: Santiment. On-chain activity suggests Ethereum (ETH) and two altcoins could be primed for short-term price rallies, according to the crypto analytics firm Santiment. Santiment notes that ETH, Shiba Inu (SHIB) and SushiSwap (SUSHI) traders displayed “mild signs of panic” on Thursday.💹

📈Bitcoin Unmoved as War Breaks Out in Israel. Hamas has entered southern Israel by sea, land and air, killing more than 200 Israelis and 1,500 wounded in a surprise attack that has shocked the region and the world.💹

Dont forget to follow #CryptoTalks for more BREAKING NEWS 💸🔥

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